Virtual Moderation Assistance: Creating Design Guidelines for Virtual Assistants Supporting Creative Workshops


To remain competitive, businesses need to develop innovative and profitable products, processes and services. The development of innovation relies on novel ideas, which can be generated during creative workshops. In this context the Design Thinking approach, a problem-solving methodology based on collaboration, user-centricity and creativity, may be used. However, guidance and moderation of this process require a vast amount of skills and knowledge. As technologies like artificial intelligence have the potential of making machines our collaboration partner in the future, creating virtual assistants adapting human behaviors is promising. To reduce cognitive dissonance and stress on both the moderators and participants, we investigate the potential of a virtual assistant to support moderation in a Design Thinking process to improve innovative output as well as perceived satisfaction. We therefore developed design guidelines for virtual assistants supporting creative workshops based on qualitative expert interviews and related literature following the Design Science Research Methodology.

PACIS 2018 Proceedings
Dr. Timo Strohmann
Dr. Timo Strohmann

In meiner Forschung beschäftige ich mich mit der zukunftsweisenden Gestaltung der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion mit dem Ansatz des Virtual Companionships.
